Geolinguistic maps

As a result of past and current projects, several dialectal databases have been fully or partially digitized until now. The sample maps are internet versions taken from our database, created with BihalBocs geolinguistic software.

Digitally stored data may be processed to create maps, but many other applications are also possible with BihalBocs. Via the left side menu, sample maps of various databases are accessible together with some integrated maps. These were made by processing different databases. For correct display of the data, you need downloading the Hungarian diacritical font and we suggest using FireFox, Opera or Safari browsers.

The map shows the database sources and Hungarian-language areas from where the data was collected. (MNyA. = A magyar nyelvjárások atlasza (Atlas of Hungarian Dialects), RMNyA. = A romániai magyar nyelvjárások atlasza (Atlas of Hungarian Dialects in Romania), SzNySz. = Székely nyelvföldrajzi szótár (Székely Linguistic Geography Dictionary), MCsNyA. = A moldvai csángó nyelvjárás atlasza (Atlas of the Csángó Dialects in Moldova)).